
Gareth Soloway – This is the catapult that will send gold to new highs

Gareth Soloway – This is the catapult that will send gold to new highs

Join Dave Russell as he speaks to one of our favourite gold and silver chart experts, Gareth Soloway. In this month’s technical analysis chat, Dave and Gareth discuss gold, silver, and all things price action. Hear Gareth’s expert thoughts on where gold may head before breaking out to new highs, why silver is a tricky […]
After the euphoria and profit taking comes the panic

After the euphoria and profit taking comes the panic

This week everyone has been reminded why they choose to invest in gold and buy silver. As markets reacted to Silicon Valley Bank’s demise, the near-collapse of Credit Suisse and the ensuing panic of policymakers, investors and depositors, gold, and silver have come to the fore. Why did they climb in the price? Because this […]
Are gold and silver the only ones who know what they’re doing?

Are gold and silver the only ones who know what they’re doing?

Gold and silver prices are significantly higher today as markets expressed concern over the US banking system and the desperate measures being taken by officials to keep the ship afloat, amidst contagion fears.  When the ranking member of the US House Financial Services Committee goes on CNBC to reassure markets about the current turmoil then […]
LBMA crystal balls suggest further gold and silver price gains

LBMA crystal balls suggest further gold and silver price gains

Each year professional analysts and forecasters shine up their crystal balls to submit their precious metal price forecasts to the LBMA. The contest is to be the most accurate predictor for the gold price average for the year; the analyst with the closest average price for the year wins a 1oz. gold bar. The 2023 […]
Why Gareth Soloway is “unbelievably bullish” on gold and silver

Why Gareth Soloway is “unbelievably bullish” on gold and silver

Click below to watch What’s going on with the gold price? Is the silver price set for a further pullback? Technical analysis expert Gareth Soloway of InTheMoneyStocks joins Dave Russell of GoldCore TV for a monthly look at the gold and silver charts. Volatility has returned to the precious metals markets with bot #gold and […]
Top 5 Gold Buyers’ Motives Revealed

Top 5 Gold Buyers’ Motives Revealed

Which of these central banks have set records this year? China India Turkey Iran  This is actually a trick question as the answer is all of them. That’s right they have all been part of an enormous central bank push to move away from the US Dollar and add more gold to their respective coffers.  […]
Ben Bernanke Wins Nobel Prize for Kicking Can Down the Road!

Ben Bernanke Wins Nobel Prize for Kicking Can Down the Road!

So Ben Bernanke has won a Nobel Prize for kicking a can down the road! Many will have heard the saying ‘those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it’. It is often attributed to Churchill, but he was in fact quoting George Santanya. We prefer the Stephen Hawking quote, ‘“We spend […]
Rick Rule –  Gold Helps Me Sleep at Night

Rick Rule – Gold Helps Me Sleep at Night

“The US dollar’s strength isn’t so much a function of the strength of the US economy or US political leadership, but rather, the fact that we’re competing in a horse race against a bunch of other horses that are completely lame.”  Rick Rule – Rule Investment Media The former President and CEO of Sprott, was […]
Were the UK pension funds just the canary in the gold mine?

Were the UK pension funds just the canary in the gold mine?

This week we ask if the wobble experienced by UK pension funds, last week, was just the canary in the gold mine for the global economy. If not for other central banks then this was certainly a reminder for individuals, who were prompted to ask about the levels of counterparty risk their savings and pensions […]
Ed Steer Gold And Silver – We Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet!

Ed Steer Gold And Silver – We Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet!

Our guest this week is Ed Steer, expert gold and market analyst and author of the Gold & Silver Digest. We invited Ed onto GoldCore TV to get his take on what is concerning him most in financial markets, movements in SLV and sanctions against Russia. He also draws our attention to central bank purchases […]