
Michael Oliver: A Gold Boom Is On The Horizon

Michael Oliver: A Gold Boom Is On The Horizon

Earlier today I had a really interesting conversation with Michael Oliver, a highly respected expert in momentum structural analysis. Michael’s work combined with decades of experience provides us with a wealth of insights into what is coming for key market indicators. Our conversation touches upon a lot of areas but viewers will no doubt be interested to […]
Central Banks: How to Invest In Gold For The Long Term?

Central Banks: How to Invest In Gold For The Long Term?

The World Gold Council released their 2024 Central Bank survey, earlier this week. As we know central bank gold demand has been setting new highs in the last couple of years. Last year central banks added 1,037 tonnes of gold – the second highest annual purchase in history – following a record high of 1,082 […]
Gold Is Your Financial Insurance

Gold Is Your Financial Insurance

At the time of writing gold is up over 14% on the year, and silver prices are up over 26%. What’s been driving it? The same factors we have been seeing for some time now: increasing demand from emerging markets and strategic moves by central banks.  With such consistent demand coming from these sources it’s […]
Is It Smart To Have Gold In My Portfolio?

Is It Smart To Have Gold In My Portfolio?

In this video, we explore the age-old question: is gold the secret to a successful portfolio? We delve into the benefits of holding gold as part of your investment strategy and discuss whether it’s a wise choice for your financial future. If you’re wondering whether you should include gold in your portfolio, this video is […]
Ed Steer Gold And Silver – We Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet!

Ed Steer Gold And Silver – We Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet!

Our guest this week is Ed Steer, expert gold and market analyst and author of the Gold & Silver Digest. We invited Ed onto GoldCore TV to get his take on what is concerning him most in financial markets, movements in SLV and sanctions against Russia. He also draws our attention to central bank purchases […]
What we can Learn from the International Gold Market

What we can Learn from the International Gold Market

Today’s guest on GoldCore TV thinks it’s very likely that in the next ten years we will be moving onto a new gold standard. It is of course, not uncommon for gold market commentators to say something along these lines. But Jan Nieuwenhuijs is a gold analyst, who is bringing the chat around gold demand […]
Jim Rogers Interview 2022

Jim Rogers Interview 2022

We last spoke to Jim Rogers way back in January. He told us then that we were set to see the ‘worst bear market’ in his ‘lifetime’.  Since then, a lot has changed. Russia has invaded Ukraine, inflation has gone on a tear, Europe is facing a major energy crisis and the US has been […]
US CPI Data Release Update

US CPI Data Release Update

It is easy to get caught up in data releases. The media is keen to read a lot into them, hoping it will offer some sense of what is really going on, so often the news is about numbers just announced or expectations for what one economic measure will show from one month to the next.  […]
What Problem Does Gold Solve?

What Problem Does Gold Solve?

Realising that you need to protect your portfolio from financial systemic risks is a tricky thing. Because, not only have you identified that all is not well in the economy but you now need to make a decision about how best to protect your investments.  In all likelihood, this is why you own or are […]
[Video] It’s here! Jim Rickards on The M3 Report – Episode 1 is Live Now

[Video] It’s here! Jim Rickards on The M3 Report – Episode 1 is Live Now

Jim Rickards! Chart analysis! The Wizard of Oz! What on earth are we talking about? Our brand new show, The M3 Report! Click Here to Watch It Now Today we are launching The M3 Report. Tune in for all things Metals, Markets and Money. With all the best bits of previous GoldCore TV offerings we now […]