The bitcoin versus gold debate has gone on for over a decade now. In that time regulators have been scratching their heads wondering how far they can let the cryptocurrency machine run for. “This far,” seems to be the decision this week. Meanwhile gold and silver carry on, continuing to offer a simple and unassuming […]
Those who have chosen to invest in gold bars or to buy silver coins have often done so because they fear the mismanagement of the monetary system. This week has offered further reassurance that investors are right to want to own gold in a balanced portfolio because yet another fight about the US debt ceiling […]
It’s always good to have regular validation about decisions we choose to make. Take the decision to buy gold, for example. At the moment central bankers and economists just can’t help themselves but make statements or hold press conferences or publish papers that effectively say to gold investors ‘KEEP GOING!’. Whether it is Andrew Bailey […]
The industry-leading In Gold We Trust Report was released this week. So convinced are the authors “that the monetary and geopolitical situation as well as the chart development of the gold price suggest that a showdown in gold is imminent” that the 2023 report is entitled “Showdown”. This is arguably one of (if not the) […]
This week Stephen Flood, GoldCore CEO, spoke to Stuart Berryhill of the Money Vision U podcast. Money Vision U is a financial literacy podcast that describes itself as the “financial class you should have in High School”. We think that one of the best things you can do for people today is to give them […]
Join Dave Russell as he speaks to one of our favourite gold and silver chart experts, Gareth Soloway. In this month’s technical analysis chat, Dave and Gareth discuss gold, silver, and all things price action. Hear Gareth’s expert thoughts on where gold may head before breaking out to new highs, why silver is a tricky […]
Gold is on the cusp of setting a new all time high – and the current economic and financial environment provides three key factors that are bullish for gold to move higher. 1. Monetary policy is being forced to ease as bank problems continue and waning economic growth Berkshire Hathaway’s annual shareholders meeting was held […]
GoldCore’s Dave Russell met with Danielle Di Martino Booth in Las Vegas at The Money Show. Dave took the opportunity to ask Danielle about Jay Powell’s aggressive tightening campaign and the future of the US economy. Topics covered include: Buy Gold Coins GOLD PRICES ( AM/ PM LBMA FIX– USD, GBP & EUR ) USD $AM USD $PM […]
We discuss the Federal Reserve often because the more the Fed tries to ‘undo’ its past policy mistakes and alters the markets through its poor policies, the more gold and silver prices are likely to rise! Yesterday’s meeting is an example: the more the Fed Chairman spoke the more the metals prices rose. As largely […]
More often than not, the international trade and currency system works to the benefit of the US and its friends, whilst others have to take what they can. ‘No more!’ seems to be the message from countries outside of the Western world. But it is more than an expression of frustration. Deals are being done, […]