
The Bitcoin is ‘as-good-as-gold’ myth is over

The Bitcoin is ‘as-good-as-gold’ myth is over

When you invest in gold or buy silver coins with GoldCore you are choosing to invest in an asset that has no counterparty risk. Sadly those who have been holding their bitcoin on the crypto exchange FTX, have not experienced the same level of reassurance and service from the exchange’s management. This event is all […]
[Video] Gold in 2023 Will Be Driven by Real Rates – Mike Singleton

[Video] Gold in 2023 Will Be Driven by Real Rates – Mike Singleton

Gold in 2023 Will Be Driven by Real Rates A Fed pivot is to be expected in 2023, according to today’s guest Mike Singleton. Mike is Senior Analyst at Invictus Research and joins us for the first time, here on GoldCore TV. Click on the Link to Watch Now In his chat with our host […]
When Ignorance Is a Central Banker’s Only Defence

When Ignorance Is a Central Banker’s Only Defence

To invest in gold and silver is to invest outside of the system. When you buy gold bars or silver coins you are choosing to hold assets that can protect other assets in your portfolio from the poor actions taken by counterparties. For example: money printing by central banks, inflationary government policies, mismanagement of a […]
Rick Rule –  Gold Helps Me Sleep at Night

Rick Rule – Gold Helps Me Sleep at Night

“The US dollar’s strength isn’t so much a function of the strength of the US economy or US political leadership, but rather, the fact that we’re competing in a horse race against a bunch of other horses that are completely lame.”  Rick Rule – Rule Investment Media The former President and CEO of Sprott, was […]
[Video] Physical Gold & Why I Hold it – Bubba Horwitz

[Video] Physical Gold & Why I Hold it – Bubba Horwitz

Founder and CEO Todd Bubba Horwitz joins GoldCore TV’s Dave Russell to discuss the Great Reset, physical gold investment forthcoming stagflation . This is Bubba’s first appearance on GoldCore TV , and we’re delighted to welcome him. When Dave spoke to Bubba, they covered a lot of ground: from the rock and a hard place […]
What Problem Does Gold Solve?

What Problem Does Gold Solve?

Realising that you need to protect your portfolio from financial systemic risks is a tricky thing. Because, not only have you identified that all is not well in the economy but you now need to make a decision about how best to protect your investments.  In all likelihood, this is why you own or are […]
Dinner Party with Marc Faber, David Morgan and Jim Rickards

Dinner Party with Marc Faber, David Morgan and Jim Rickards

Imagine you could throw a dinner party with some of the great minds of the gold and silver world. Who would you invite? What would you ask them?  GoldCore newcomer Jan Skoyles did just this. Going through the GoldCore TV archives, Jan found some unused footage with some of the greats of the gold and […]
More energy blows are dealt to Europe, causing a cold chill to be even colder

More energy blows are dealt to Europe, causing a cold chill to be even colder

When people ask why they should invest in gold or buy silver coins, we often explain that they should do so because they are a form of insurance. Many of us are taking steps right now to protect ourselves from the impact of inflation on our day-to-day spending, others are trying to manage the increase […]
Will Silver Prices Go Up to $300?

Will Silver Prices Go Up to $300?

This week’s guest is so bullish on silver that he’s even written a best-selling book ‘The Great Silver Bull’ where he takes an in-depth look at why silver will outperform gold once again and even go as high as $300 an ounce. Author and investments editor Peter Krauth joins Dave Russell on GoldCore TV to […]
Standby for Increased Gold Demand from China

Standby for Increased Gold Demand from China

Anyone who pays attention to global gold demand knows that China has been at the forefront of gold imports and central bank purchases for many years. To own gold bullion is something that is not only important to the Chinese government but also to Chinese citizens who have sought to buy gold bars and coins […]