Silver Spot Price per Kilo USD

Use our chart to track changes in the silver spot price. This chart shows the USD spot price for a kilo of silver, but you can adjust the chart according to metal, weight, currency and time period. Simply use the drop-down options to do so. 


Silver Spot Price

Many investors like to track the silver spot price so they can keep an eye on the value of their portfolio.

GoldCore’s charts show you real-time updates for the silver spot price. Thanks to the time period function, you can see both historical data and the silver price for today. This means you can identify any long-term trends in the silver spot price. 

When you use our charts you can pick between four different currencies: Euros, British pounds, US dollars and Australian Dollars, as well as different metals and weights. 

The silver spot price is reflective of the demand and supply for silver in the international market. Silver is traded across the globe and is one of the largest markets by volume. This liquid market is a great advantage for investors, who can buy and sell with efficiency and ease. 

Over 50% of demand for silver comes from industry. It is known as the ‘indispensable metal’ as it is so versatile. It is highly conductive, extremely malleable and very ductile. This means it lends itself well to a number of industrial uses including renewable, automated and green energies. All three of which are growing at a vast pace. 

The intense industrial use of silver means that its price can be more affected by economic factors than gold

If you are interested in buying silver GoldCore has a range of bullion products to suit every investor and their portfolio strategy. We offer 100 oz and 1,000 oz silver bars, alongside the most sought after silver coins from the world’s top mints.

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